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Security First Premium

Premium security with Virtual IT

How will this improve
my business?

  1. Peace of mind, knowing that you have a good baseline of security that will prevent most common cyber-attacks and that your users can now surf the internet and access your cloud based applications securely.

  2. Knowing that you have unfettered access to highly competent IT experts that care and can solve your issues rapidly and that this support is also available 24 x 7.

  3. The confidence that comes from a consistently valuable experience of working with professionals that genuinely understand your business and are aligned with your goals.
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Some of the key components of our Premium service include?

‘Security First, Premium’ is our most popular cyber secure, managed IT Service. Naturally, it includes all the fundamental components included in the Essentials package, but with an added focus of helping to protect your online journey while using websites and hosted applications, plus service enhancements…

Additions to the Essentials package:

  • Simple, Encrypted and Secure password management.
  • Scanning of the internet for your stolen passwords and user credentials.
  • Extended support to include 24 x 7 coverage.
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